Sunday, 27 February 2011

I Suck..

... at everything :( 
Including making cakes out of packets that are meant for kids!

Eric really wasn't much help in this situation, he just sat there with a big smile on his face, mocking my lack of culinary skills today :(
The sponge looks like it's trying to escape out of the cases and the icing is splodged everywhere and when it came to sprinkling the white chocolate curls.. I think I had officially given up by then.
I am yet to try them... but the flavour cannot be blamed on me.
I apologise to Eric the Elephant for the shambles I made of his (meant to be) beautiful cakes :(.

I WILL make some better cakes in the future to make up for this disaster... but in the mean time, these little cakes are going to be fed to my much appreciating (?) flat mates :D.

Saturday, 26 February 2011


Well I have made a tumblr account.. I am new to it so I'm not 100% sure about how it all works, but I'm sure over time I will get used to the set up of it etc.
I can see it being a good source of inspiration and yet another place to for me to talk about my thoughts, ideas etc.
So if you would like you can check it out by clicking right HERE.
Enjoy :D

Friday, 25 February 2011

Zodiac Signs - Text as Image

My latest project at uni includes taking each zodiac sign and using photography, 3D etc. (no drawing) and representing each sign's characteristics through the word itself.
Here are mine so far.. I am missing 3 as I am not 100% happy with them.. I am going to add them at a later date.

Life update:

I have applied to do the Race for Life again this year, however, I will be doing it in Cambridge instead of Luton. 
If you would like, you can sponsor me by clicking HERE (every little helps!!)
I really need to start training soon as sitting here eating sour cream & onion pringles and chocolate buttons REALLY is not very wise (especially as I am going to be having dinner soon!!)

Yesterday evening, I attended an art exhibition and lecture by an artist called Hughie O'Donoghue at Trinity Hall, right here in Cambridge. His talk was very interesting and gave a fascinating insight into the ideas and processes behind his work.
I don't think there is anything else to update you all on.. but will post when I have finished the current project I am working on (making up a character, which I do not think is my cup of tea!).

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

If You Want It..

This is the anthem to my life at the moment, in fact, the whole of Relient K's album (Forget and Not Slow Down) is truly inspirational to me.

I can't keep a straight face and say this is not the end
Not if you want it it's upon us and I wanna say it's sinking in
If I was hasty maybe I was rushed along
I won't move into little boxes and then not get the itch to move on

So think real slow
Don't forget that yes is yes and no is no
Melting prints of grass and snow
Means I may forget the way to get back home
'Cause this is the end if you want it
This is the end

You're not the first thing in my life I've loved and lost
Yeah I've thought worse things that I might be less inclined to merely just shrug off

You'll take me home
Like my family did my father did I know
You'll think real slow
But don't forget the speed that I can go away
'Cause this is the end if you want it
Yeah this is the end

I've been convincing myself that I'm worthwhile
'Cause I'm worth what I'll convince myself to be

I met the devil and I stared her in the eyes
Her hair had scales like silver serpents
I a statue, stood there mesmerized

I took the fire escape and made it out alive
Yeah I still burn from time to time but I've a healing hand against my side

Blisters on my feet I crawled back home
Frozen from the sleet burned sand and stones
Nourished back to life by life alone
With one shake of the mane regain the throne

Mice stealing keys...

Here is what I've been doing in my Photoshop lessons at uni recently..
We had to colour in a hand drawn line drawing, then use a number of scanned in textures and another line drawing to play around with scale etc.

Original Drawings scanned into photoshop..

After the images had been coloured and texture added...

I was getting really fed up with the label that I had drawn onto the key, so I got rid of it!!

And then the mouse stole the key :/
